Who We Are

This is about all of us! We are a group of homeschooling families who strive to create a bilingual collaborative learning community in a natural setting through play, discovery, and books. Notre entraide est notre force.

À travers diverses expériences, les enfants se développent à leur rythme. Children interact freely with peers of varying ages in free play and semi-directed activities.

In our learning village, parents participate in guiding children and providing exposure to a broad range of topics and ideas. Les longs moments passés en forêt inspire à de saines habitudes de vie, encourage aux jeux créatifs, stimule l’esprit de découverte et renforce notre attachement aux autres et à la nature.

Le Clan Forestier est enrichi par l’unicité des parents impliqués. À la base de son organisation, nous retrouvons Laudalina Raposo, Shana Paré, et Aleksandra Young. Laudalina is a teacher with experience teaching in the elementary school system in Quebec. Shana is a special educator and has worked with young children. Aleksandra is a teacher with experience teaching high school in Ontario.